Unique Valleystream Genetics 

Unique Stock Farm was officially started in 1999, after a progression from a 100% Holstein dairy to a mixed herd with about 50% Jerseys. We very quickly found that the Jerseys showed definite advantages in feed efficiency, herd life, reproduction, and overall economics of production.

Therefore, we have since turned the herd into a 100% herd of purebred, registered Jerseys. Growth was at first from within, but in 2004 we purchased the well-known Valleystream herd of John and June White's from St. Thomas, Ontario. We purchased the entire herd and moved them to Alberta, purchasing the herd name at the same time. Therefore, Unique Valleystream Genetics was born!

The farm in located in Rochester, Alberta, about an hour drive north of Edmonton. We farm approximately 2700 acres, and in addition to milking over 250 Jerseys, Holsteins & Brown Swiss.

Our farm contains all 3 housing types: pack, free-stall and tie-stall. Most of the Jerseys are housed in a free-stall barn, while a portion of the herd (high genetic animals and show cows) are housed in a tie-stall. Special care cows and calving cows are in a pack barn.

All cows are milked through 4 Lely Robotic Milking Systems.

Unique Valleystream Genetics is a total family operation. David is directly involved in the crop production and feeding decisions. Growing up in a Holstein background, David still appreciates the necessity for productive, profitable cows. Tracy has a definite eye for type, and is heavily involved in the genetic decisions and calf management.

Casey is heavily involved with the operation with crop production and daily management decisions. She has been recognized as Jersey Canada's 2014 Youth of Distinction Winner. Casey has a degree in Agricultural Business Management from the University of Alberta and is currently developing her own business developing SOP's for the ProAction Program. In 2004 and 2013 she received Supreme Champion with her heifer at the Alberta Provincial 4-H show, the first two times a Jersey has taken this honour. Casey was a 4-H Ambassador and is 4-H AB representative on 4-H Canada's Youth Advisory Committee. 

Lee has a diploma in Agricultural Business in the Livestock stream from Lakeland College. He is actively involved with both genetics on and off the farm. He is routinely found on the show circuit fitting for breeders across Canada and the US. As well Lee is heavily involved with Jerseys through 4-H. He won Supreme Champion in 2014 with his heifer at the Alberta Provincial 4-H show and was a 4-H Ambassador. Lee also is actively involved in sourcing cattle for producers across North America. 

Thank you for visiting our website. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions, or are interested in Unique Valleystream Genetics for your herd. 

In Feburary 2011, we installed 3 Lely Robotic Milking Systems and built a special care pack barn. We installed a 4th robot in March of 2014. We show cattle across Canada and at shows in the US including World Dairy Expo.